第47章 梦想实现之时(2 / 3)


<oh, traveller e>


<wele your friends>


<they’re with you>


<fro start to the very end>



<follow their footsteps>


<be their shoes>



<it&39;s better to love than to lose>

<尽情去爱吧 定要铭记此世峥嵘>


<gatherg your friends>


<fro far and wide>


<everybody standg by your side>


<friends of old and friends fro up above>



<tother with all of those you love>


<jo your hands and all sg along>


<to this old beloved ng>



<our hearts beat as one>


<and all battles will be won>

<我们势如破竹 所向披靡>


<oh, traveller e>


<to ruo nds>



<to bless and to guide>


<every out-stretched hand>



<with the breakg of dawn>


<a new day begs>



<for love, trt, and hope always s>