r to venture into the waters. There was likely no struggle before her passing, as her face bore a serene smile."
The big girl Anne nodded in agreement. "Regardless, the madwoman''s death brings peace. She always wandered around in the dead of night, sometimes disturbing our sleep with her creepy songs."
It was only then that Fiona finally spoke up, "I believe what I saw last night was her figure. But how could this woman have gone mad?"
"Oh, dear Fiona, so you haven''t heard the story of the madwoman in the convent!" Charlotte exclaimed, exaggeratingly.
"I can tell you all about it," Amy immediately boasted, "I have the most complete understanding of her story."
After the lights were out that night, everyone gathered around Amy''s bed. Except for Fiona, the schoolgirls present had all heard the tale of the madwoman several times to varying extent. However, the allure of the story still attracted them to join little Fiona in listening.
"Do not be deceived by the ghoulish appearance of the madwoman, for behind it lies a tragic romance," Amy began her narration with a solemn expression. "This woman was originally born into a highly noble and illustrious family, the sole daughter cherished within the household. She possessed grace, beauty, and versatility, destined for a bright future. Her father and brothers envisioned various splendid plans, believing wholeheartedly that this apple of their eye, if not crowned queen, would at least become a duchess.
"However, the Lord always has some wondrous yet cruel arrangements: when