Yet why is our lovemaking always filled with despair''s dance?
When will we finally embrace on a bed, intimate and serene?
Raphael (laughing): There''s no harm in a threesome''s embrace,
Raphael Saint-Clemont delights in your wild chase!
I enjoy watching your passionate play,
As the three of us frolic in disarray!
Andre: Shame and guilt shudder within my frame,
Yet waves of heat from my loins, they claim!
I struggle to control my swaying hips'' urge,
Reduced to a slave of carnal desires, a dirge!
Edith: I forgive you, my lover, for I too burn,
My body ablaze, yearning for you to discern!
To gallop wild upon your heated form,
In our frenzy, passion''s raging storm!
Raphael: Allow me to add fuel to this lovers'' blaze.
(Taking down the candle illuminating the prison door)
Dearest Andre, feel the scorching wax''s craze!
Andre: Ah! The heat and pain, unbearable to bear!
Edith: Cease, Raphael! Is our torment not enough to share?!
Raphael: My love, do you feel his weapon within,
Stiffening, throbbing, a testament to sin?
Look upon your pitiful lover''s plight,
Unable to touch himself, gasping in delight!
Edith: Virtue and ethics I have cast aside,
Shedding maiden''s shame, no longer to hide.
With my warm and moist paradise, I''ll console,
And also satisfy my own carnal role!
Andre: I feel like a steed, driven without respite,
Breathless from ceaseless j