23.那段金色回忆录(2 / 2)

“Who are you?”

“Why pretend to be my father?”为何要假扮我的父亲?

“Although you are similar in appearance, I can tell the difference”虽然你们形貌很相似,但是我却能分辨出

“You are not my father, and you cannot be him!”你不是我的父亲,你也不可能是他

“So, who the hell are you?”所以,你到底是谁?



“I am the patriarch of the Sea Clan, the mermaid clan who is in charge of the sea”吾是海族,掌管大海的人鱼一族的族长

“My name is Hatcher,I have come here at the call of the sea to find you”我的名讳是海切尔,我应大海的呼唤而来到这里,来找你



