z 56, Coal 20, Iron 80, Redstone 100, Gold 120, Lapis 120, Diand 400, Erald 1000). The current prices (Nether Quartz 28, Coal 10, Iron 40, Redstone 50, Gold 60, Lapis 60, Diand 400, Erald 1000) are low for st ores which kes nin less profitable than other fishin or farn even thouh it requires re skill. The new price better reflects the difficulty of ettin ores, which requires findin caves, nin skills, and, in ny cases, silk touch tools. Reduce fishin profit The prices of all types of fishes should be reduced to a third (Cod: 100, Saln 270, Pufferfish 500, Tropical Fish 3330) of the current price (Cod 300, Saln 800, Pufferfish 1500, Tropical Fish 10k). The current price for fish is the sa as season 6, but season 6 had purchasable spawners. After the reval of spawners, the speed of ney kin by fishin is too fast coared to all the other ways and it is basically iossible to not fish and still not fall behind. Fishin also doesn’t require any set up or purchase of tools, since it’s possible to et the best rod possible frofishin. Because of that, the price of fish should be reduced. Reduce farn profit (Or keep the profit as it is) The prices for crops should be reduced as well, since farn is a very safe way to ke ney. Price suestion: Carrot: 1, Potato: 1, Wheat: 3, Nether Wart: 0.7, Pukin: 9, Melon: 1.6, Suarcane: 1.5, Cocoa bean: 0.7. (Current Price: Carrot: 1.13, Potato: 1.13, Wheat: 3.5, Nether Wart: 0.8, Pukin: 11, Melon: 2, Suarcane: 2.1, Cocoa bean: 0.75.) Beetroots should be sellable to shop at 1 each. Chorus fruits should be sellable to /shop at 5 each. Harvest Hoes